

I firmly believe that in today’s society, shoppers and makers alike are increasingly looking at fair and moral practices across the board which include the obvious sourcing of materials such as gemstones, pearls and metals but also the fair treatment of each and every human link in the supply chain, the way chemicals are managed, the recycling and waste management and so much more.

When it comes to sustainable fashion, jewelry is often left out of the conversation. It is partly up to us, jewelry makers, to help in educating the general public about why buying sustainable, ethical jewelry can and will make a difference.

And with jewelry, it is not just about recycled metals or ethically sourced gemstone, sustainability efforts go way beyond that. It goes from supporting incomes to local communities and bettering livelihoods where stones are mined and polished to offering, to the best of our ability, traceability, accountability and transparency.

I aim to work with suppliers I trust, with whom i share the same values of responsibility, compassion and respect for people in the supply chain, suppliers that can provide me with transparency and traceability.

When available, I try to exclusively work with recycled and reclaimed metals which eliminates a tremendous amount of new pollution and contaminated water. As recycled metal is as beautiful as newly mined and indistinguishable in its use as a raw material, that choice is a simple and obvious one. However, should I need to buy new metal, I ensure it is fairmined and fair-trade.

The traditional linear production model is “take, make, waste” but right now in sustainable design, circularity is the goal. We are moving to “take, make, remake” instead. With that in mind, i love to work with materials and stones you provide me with. It can be old jewellery pieces you don’t wear anymore or broken items you would otherwise get rid of. Together we can work towards a unique design for a new piece of jewellery you will enjoy wearing with the knowledge of the history linked to it.

There is yet so much to do to achieve sustainability in the jewelry business, but any steps in the right direction are a benefit for the entire supply chain from the mining process to the final buyer.

By letting you know about the ethical decisions I make for my business, I pray it will develop your curiosity and awareness when purchasing your next piece of jewelry or any other product.

Ethical shopping is key to our and our children’s present and future and connects us all to a larger purpose.