Become A Partner

Grow your business with the ByBunty Jewels Affiliate program, earning 10-25% recurring commission. All you need to do is sign up to get a unique link and product presentation for your store and you can begin to refer browsers and shoppers to your store and keep their them in the loop when they buy. We share the buying experience with you!

How it works

  • Display our Bunty’s elegant and beautiful sustainable semi precious bracelets in your store and for… 
  • Every €100 they spend, you earn up to €25. If they spend €1000, you get up to €250. The more customers you refer, and the longer they stick around, the more you can earn.
  • Each sale comes from a QR display unique to your store so the sale is made online. You don’t need to do any selling.
  • Watch all your sales and customers online in our secure partner area.
  • Know realtime how much you are earning.
  • Reach out to your customer to say thank you for shopping and to promote your store.
  • Partnership with purpose  - we plant a tree for every unique customer your refer. 🌳 

Sign Up